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The Way to a Beautiful Lawn this Summer

When spring is in the air, the first buds on the trees appear to mark the coming of the season. These early signs also tell to you that it’s time to get your lawn ready.

Rake Deeply

Raking is the first thing you need to do to prepare your lawn for new growth. You may still have a few fallen leaves on the ground, however early spring raking is done primarily to remove thatch. Rake deeply and thoroughly to help break up any remnants of turf-grass from the previous growing season.

What Is Thatch?

Thatch is the layer of mainly dead grass tissue lying between the green vegetation of the grass above and the root system and soil below. This layer, if it becomes too thick (1/2 inch or more), can be bad for the health of your grass.

Think of this as a spring-cleaning for your lawn. It’s best to wait until the lawn begins to green up, which signifies the grass blades are firmly rooted and the plants are actively growing. Instead of using a garden rake with stiff metal tines that can damage young plants, it’s better to use a flexible leaf rake.

Another good reason for a spring raking is that you can find matted patches of lawn. If you inspect carefully and notice the grass blades are all stuck together, a lawn disease called snow mold may be to blame. New grass may have difficulty penetrating these matted patches, and raking can solve this problem.


It was once thought that a deep de-thatching was necessary each year. Lawn care experts, however, now believe this causes more damage than good since it tears the roots of new grass plants. Provided the level of thatch is no more than 1/2 inch, this layer helps protect the soil and preserve moisture as it breaks down gradually and supplies nutrients. Lawns that are completely healthy may not ever require dethatching; a simple spring raking is quite sufficient. Ironically, over-fertilized lawns are most likely to experience thatch build-up that requires power dethatching. Let us at Be Happy Property Services take care of your lawn needs, freeing your summer up so you can enjoy all the wonderful Alaskan summer days.

Be Happy Property Services provides residential and commercial properties in Anchorage and our surrounding areas with dependable, licensed, insured, and bonded services.  One call, we do it all! 907-336-7434.